

威尼斯官网在线 implements Personal Body Safety Lessons (PBSLs) with grade-level, age appropriate content for students in every grade from Pre-K to 12. These lessons were developed with input from national stakeholders and County partners, and are designed to empower students to recognize and report suspected cases of abuse without fear of reprisal. The Chief of the State’s Attorney’s Office—Special Victims Division has commended 威尼斯官网在线 on the PBSLs and shared publicly that these lessons are making a difference in children reporting incidents of abuse and neglect.  除了, embedded in the 威尼斯官网在线 elementary and secondary health curriculum are age-appropriate lessons on safety and injury prevention, 家庭生活和人类性行为, 网络欺凌和社交媒体, 健康的关系, 骚扰和恐吓. 除了, 威尼斯官网在线 partners with the Montgomery County Family Justice Foundation and youth service providers in sponsoring the annual “Choose Respect Montgomery” conference shops for students to learn about healthy teen relationships, 预防青少年约会暴力, 以及去哪里寻求帮助.



  1. 确定他们身体的哪些部位是隐私.
  2. 确定触摸是否不舒服.
  3. Understand that they have the right to keep their body safe from uncomfortable touches.
  4. 懂得如何拒绝不舒服的接触.
  5. Understand that they should 告诉一个值得信任的成年人任何不舒服的地方 touches.
  6. Understand how to tell a trusted adult about any touch that makes them feel uncomfortable or if someone wants them to keep a secret.


  1. 确定他们身体的哪些部位是隐私.
  2. understand that they have the right to say who touches their body.
  3. 确定触摸是“好”还是“不舒服”.
  4. 懂得如何拒绝不舒服的接触.
  5. understand that they should tell an adult about any uncomfortable touch.
  6. understand how to tell an adult about any touch that makes them feel uncomfortable.


  1. understand that they should check first with a parent or caregiver before going anywhere.
  2. understand that “uh-oh” feelings warn them that they need to ask for help.
  3. 确定他们身体的哪些部位是隐私.
  4. understand that they have the right to say who touches their body.
  5. identify whether a touch is a good or uncomfortable touch.
  6. understand how to avoid and refuse uncomfortable touches.
  7. identify the difference between good/happy and bad/unsafe secrets.
  8. understand that they must tell an adult about any uncomfortable touch or unsafe secrets.
  9. 确定他们可以信任和交谈的成年人.
  10. understand how to tell an adult about anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.


  1. understand that “uh-oh” or “yucky” feelings are a warning that a situation is unsafe.
  2. understand that their body belongs to them and they have the right to say who may touch it.
  3. understand how to avoid and refuse uncomfortable touches.
  4. understand that uncomfortable touches demanded by another person are not their fault.
  5. demonstrate how to tell an adult about any uncomfortable touch, unsafe secrets, tricks, or threats.
  6. demonstrate how to tell another adult if an adult you tell about any uncomfortable touches does not help you.
  7. identify adults that they can trust to talk to about any uncomfortable or unsafe things.


  1. understand that “yucky” or uncomfortable feelings are an indication that a situation is potentially unsafe, 如果可能,他们应该离开, 然后告诉一个值得信任的成年人.
  2. 告诉一个值得信任的成年人任何不舒服的地方, 让人困惑, 可怕的, 操纵, 或者他们经历过的危险情况.
  3. recognize that their body belongs to them and they have the right to say when and how someone else can touch it.
  4. identify that secrets and/or threats about touching should be told to a trusted adult.
  5. recognize that it is not a child’s fault if someone touches them inappropriately.
  6. 要明白性侵犯者可能会使用诡计, 贿赂, 或者威胁获得和维持信任和保密.


  1. 发现并报告虐待儿童行为.
  2. 理解为什么很难告诉一个信任的成年人.
  3. understand that telling a trusted adult can help you to feel better and make the abuse stop.
  4. identify ways to tell a trusted adult even when feeling uncomfortable.
  5. practice telling trusted adults about unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
  6. recognize that adults that abuse children can be people that you know.


  1. recall and discuss when to use personal body safety rules.
  2. identify feelings and physical signs associated with good, bad and 让人困惑 touches.
  3. 确定并讨论个人权利.
  4. identify and discuss neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
  5. 确定什么时候应该说秘密,什么时候不应该说秘密.g.(好的和坏的秘密).
  6. distinguish between safe and dangerous situations that may occur in various environments.
  7. discuss how “listening to your feelings” helps to distinguish between safe and dangerous situations.
  8. 探索对危险情况的适当反应.
  9. recognize that when child abuse or neglect occurs it is not the child’s fault.
  10. identify specific adults and community resources to go to for help.
  11. 讨论如何帮助虐待和/或忽视的受害者.
  12. recognize that child neglect and abuse are against the law.
  13. recognize that they have the right to protect themselves and to be safe in the world and on the World Wide Web.


  1. 定义虐待的类型
  2. 了解和识别虐待的迹象
  3. 了解虐待的影响
  4. 确定支持人员和社区资源
  5. describe what a victim of abuse or family member can do to report abuse or to seek help

10 -12年级

  1. PBSL objectives are covered in the Health courses curriculums